Identity of a Christian - Part 3
1 Peter 2:1-10
Envy is a sin that destroys the joy that God promises the child of God. In Matthew 27:18 Pilate understood that the Jews had delivered Jesus to Him out of envy, not because Jesus was guilty of any crime. This envy did not bring peace to the hearts of the Jews. They were filled with hatred for Jesus. Even when they won what they wanted - the death of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary, they still were not pleased. They were worried that the disciples might steal His body from the tomb. The book of Acts reveals over and over again their misery as they continued to hear of the blood of Jesus Christ and the forgiveness of sin they could know through repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. The child of God cannot have envy in his or her life. He must lay it aside. It was part of his lost life, but it cannot be part of his new life. The blood of Jesus Christ has given the child of God and new nature and envy is not a part of that new nature. Envy is a form of jealousy. The child of God cannot be as the apostle Peter in John 21. Jesus had a calling for Peter and Peter did not need to concern himself with what God’s calling was for the apostle John. Christians want to encourage other Christians to serve God faithfully, but they cannot be pre-occupied with making sure that others are not getting a better opportunity than they have, etc. Godly people pray for one another and rejoice in the open doors that God gives each one. Godly people have one goal and that is to glorify God. With that in place envy has no place.
Evil speaking is another sin that cannot be a part of the Christian life. It is important to note that God is not giving us a check list and if we meet this criteria, we are good. These several sins that are mentioned here have branches that reach into other sins as well. Evil speaking is that back-biting attitude that is seeking to demean and hurt another person. Christians need to love one another and that love motivates them to help others grow in the Lord. Tearing one another down does not help us to grow. There needs to be a desire to build one another up in the faith. In all honesty every born again Christian has things they need to lay aside and areas they need to grow in. The old nature looks to find fault and in so doing hopes to make oneself look better. In reality when we follow this sinful philosophy we in fact bring ourselves down. It is sin and thus keeps us from growing and knowing the blessings of God. Rather than going on the attack, begin with prayer for one another. Ask God for wisdom and for the ability to see things as He sees them. This will make a big difference in how we deal with one another. One of the traits Christians are to be known for is their love for the brethren (I Peter 1:22). This love does not ignore sin, but it takes a different approach that please God and blesses other Christians.